We are submitting to you the necessary documents or mode of verification during the conduct of Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities Training (ERPAT) in the community at Indangan Gym with 145 fathers attended the said activity started at exactly 9:00 in the morning with an Opening Prayer led by Rolando Capiz, one of the participants and followed by the National Anthem led by Ma. Liza S. Orcine, Barangay Health Worker. The welcome address was given by Hon. Eduardo G. Balaga, Barangay Kagawad in behalf of the Barangay Captain by expressing his gratitude and very thankful to the participants for attending the activity. The social worker, Riomel A. Ponsica acknowledges the participants coming from Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Beneficiaries of Barangay Indangan. Riomel A. Ponsica explained to the participants the purpose of the activity held in the community and at the same time introduced the speakers Joselie P. Delos Santos Population Program Officer III of Buhangin Health Center, Mark Peter John Campos, city link social worker of DSWD.


The first speaker was Ms. Joselie P. Delos Santos who discussed the Madule 6 – Fathers as Advocate in Promoting a Drug-free Home and Module 7 – Ftahers as Advocate in the Prevention of HIV-AIDS, the primary right and responsibility to get actively involved in the promotion of their children’s well-being through the provision of adequate care, attention, and affection.  The speaker discussed the role of parents in molding and rearing their children in accordance of their customs and traditions. The fathers can do a lot in preventing family members from going into drugs and other forms of substance abuse and establishing a drug-free home starts from modeling to children and other family members. Setting an example of a good behavior is instilling a positive role to the children. The second speaker was Ms. Riomel A. Ponsica who discussed the Module 4 – Fathers as Child Caregivers, that the parents are the primarily responsible in fulfilling the rights of the child for children’s optimum growth and development. Parents should help their children understand and exercise their rights. The participants were very attentive and very much interested with the topics.

Lastly, at 11:00 in the morning it was discussed on Module 3 – Becoming Your Wife’s Bestfriend Facilitated by Mark Peter John Campos city link social worker of DSWD. The said activity helps them to develop their capability and responsibility as a father in the life of fatherhood. These will encourage men to become more involved in their children’s care just an important to a child’s development. Also, it makes them more productive and realized how great role of a father in the family.

The closing remark was given by Hon. Eduardo G. Balaga. The activity ended at 12:30 p.m. Some of the participants expressed their grateful gratitude because in a short period of time they were able to grasp some important things/lesson that helps them realized about their family’s situation. Closing prayer was led by Juan Amarillo.

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