Baguio District People with Disability Federation (PsWDF)   conducted Social Cultural &  Recreational Activities (SCRA) last November 22, 2019 at Brgy. Wines Covered Court. The  activity was  initiated by the District Federation Officers led by PsWDF President  Erlane Mangginoan,  and Margereth Joy Pianar,  PWD Coordinator . Around 200 PWDs including parents /guardians coming from the 8 Barangays of Baguio District :  Baguio Proper, Cadalian, Carmen , Gumalang , Malagos, Tawan Tawan, Tambobong & Wines attended and participated the activity. The success of the SCRA was due to concerted efforts of the Barangay Social Workers, and the 8 Barangay Council of Baguio District.  Among the activities were Poster Making Contest, Mr. & Ms. PWD of Baguio, Parlor Games and Showcasing of Talents. Vice Mayor Sebastian Z. Duterte sponsored the meals for the participants.

By Admin