Lingap Center for Mentally Challenged Children conducted Self and Social Enhancement to the residents dubbed as “Love Trip” on March 24, 2017 at D’Leonor Resort and Adventure Park  from 9:30 AM to 1:00PM.

This aims to promote recreational and leisure activities for the growth and development of the residents well being. It also provides an avenue to explore outdoor experience and connect them with nature.

There were 23 residents participated on the said activity. They were escorted by seven (7) staff and sixteen (16) caregivers trainee from Tecarro College Foundation Incorporated.

D’Leonor Inland Resort and Adventure Park accommodated the children with free rides of carousel, ferris wheel and dancing cups. They had a chance to explore the resort by their Mini Bus. They were also provided with meal during lunch time at their Restuarant and even given gift packs by the management.

The said activity was indeed a worth and fun filled day for the residents. There is no amount of money could replace the residents overflowing joy and gratefulness.

With gratitude, the Lingap center staff would like to thank God for the generosity of City Mayors Office who provided the transportation from the center to the venue and vice-versa and D’Leonor Inland Resort and Adventure Park for making this Love Trip successful and fruitful.


By Admin