City Social Services and Development Office thru Pre-Schoolers and Children’s Concerns in partnership with the Davao City Council for the Welfare of Children (DCCWC), Liga ng mga Barangay ng Pilipinas, Department of Education and Barangay Council in the conduct of 2016 Barangay Children’s Congress (BCC) in line with National Children’s Month Celebration with this year’s theme, “ISULONG: Kalidad na Edukasyon, para sa Lahat ng Bata”.

The objectives of the implementation of the BCC (1) To have effective and empowered child leaders and advocates, (2) Stronger monitoring and promotion of the UNCRC, (3) Strong children’s organization and systems, (4) Child friendly and relevant policies and programs, and (5) Participation in higher level of governance.

Today, among 182 barangays in the city, 172 barangays already conducted and at the same time elected one child representative to attend the Citywide Children’s Congress on November 21-23, 2016 and at the same time the Davao City will hold the Mindanao Children’s Festival in partnership with Mindanao Action Group for Children’s Rights and Protection (MAGCRP) at Grand Men Seng Hotel, Magallanes St., Davao City.

Child-Friendly and Happy Community! – GSF, PSCCD

Marilog District

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By Admin